- customer' s sense of trust 顾客信任感
- What provide oud witha s sense of accomplishment? 什么能给您成就感呢?
- When it comes to securing a solid and enduring sense of trust in today’s world, there well may be, as Gertrude Stein wrote,“no there there. 当今世界,要想获得可靠持久的信任感,也许正如美国著名作家格特鲁德 斯坦所说,“那不存在”。
- He grew tired of the spoilt-child act and Mourinho?s sense of entitlement. 他已经厌倦了这种被宠坏的孩子般的行为以及穆里尼奥对于权利的渴望。
- Much less do they take them out for dinner,while they develop a pre-business sense of trust and rapport. 饭馆更不会宴请客人来建立一种洽淡事务前的信任感和友好关系。
- The visit of president Nixon developed a sense of trust between China and America. 尼克松总统的来访增进了中美两国之间的信任。
- Lynn Davis develops a relationship of trust with her models, and she feels a sense of responsibility towards them. 戴维斯探索了她和模特儿之间的真实关联,同时她感到了对于他们所承担的责任感。
- These marks transmit a sense of trust, security and pragmatism and are accomplished with minimal resources. 这些商标传达了一种信任感,安全感和务实感,并以最少的资源做到。
- There isn’t much that is more disturbing to a user’s sense of flow than staring at a screen waiting for the computer to respond. 让用户盯着屏幕等待响应,并不是一个营造流的感觉的好策略。
- We esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我们认为他值得信任。
- This may sound familiar to drug users: AIWS or Micropsia is a condition in which a patient’s sense of time, space and body image are distorted. 也被称作为受切断手术认同症,这种病会导致有人希望让他健康的身体的一部分被切断。
- I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我认为他不可信赖。
- As part of the category’s appeal, cosmeceutical interventions are noninvasive and do not jeopardize the recipient’s sense of identity. 药妆是非侵入性而且不危害使用者的一种美容方法。
- By making an outstanding first impression with a crisp, clean, professional look, the user gets a sense of trust from the company behind the site. 网站的首页要简单、干净、专业,给客户留下突出的印象,这样客户才能对公司产生信任感。
- Retrieving memory and constructing tellable stories are complex acts that reveal much about the teller’s sense of the world. 重拾记忆和创作脍炙人口的故事并不容易,其中会体现出讲述者对于世界的诸多理解。
- The past year has shown that without faith, finance is worth naught. Rebuilding the sense of trust could take rather longer than that. 过去的一年表明,没有信任,金融一文不值。但重建这种信任感可能要花上比一年更长的时间。
- The southeast buffoon is still clamouring to depart from China, disregarding his own corruption and the Chinese ’s sense of honor. 东南亚小丑还在叫嚣着要独立,枉顾廉耻和民主大义。
- Ba Jin confessions through awareness with Lu Xun and Tolstoy"s sense of remorse to look at Ba Jin awareness of the Philosophy of the superiority and limitations. 通过巴金的忏悔意识分别与鲁迅和托尔斯泰的忏悔意识的比较来审视巴金忏悔意识在哲学方面的优越性和局限性。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- A sense of futility stole over her. 一种没用的感觉向她袭来。